Some Older Interview Links to Poke Around and Explore

(Photo by C. Hindy, Swasey Parkway, Exeter, NH)

Fatherly:  12 Phrases That Will Help Resolve Conflict in (Almost) Any Environment

NH Magazine:  How To Cope With An Identity Crisis

The Love Project Podcast:  Love in the Time of COVID-19

Radio Program:  The Emotional Fallout of an Extramarital Affair What to Do When One Parent Is Always the Bad Cop How to Not Feel Like a Third Wheel In Your Own Home 5 Ways to Cope With Backhanded Compliments

NH Magazine: Fighting the Stigma of Male Depression

The Beacon: STD Dating Sites: Helpful or Harmful?  Learn To Deal With Stress

BlogTalk Radio:  Overcoming Trust Issues

The Manchester Union Leader:  Got the Winter Blues? Let There Be Light

Life and Beauty Weekly:  Kick Envy to the Curb

The Manchester Union Leader:  Dealing With the Back-From-Vacation-Blues

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