Social Networking Sites Can Strain Marriages
This WMUR-TV interview and story dates back to 2009 but of course it's a never ending story! The problems for relationships -- with boundaries, trust, fidelity, sharing, decision making, and communications -- certainly aren't new, but Internet technology magnifies the problems ... And some things about Facebook in particular seem to add to this. For example, when couples have profiles on Facebook, they have his and her profiles, not a shared profile. There's no convenient and fully functioning way to have a Couples Profile. Yes, they can link to one another and make their relationship status clear. Still, they are found by others and friended as individuals. It can easily become too much about "me" not "us." One is found and friended by people more often from their individual past ... and partners' pasts may not intersect that much prior to their relationship with one another. Not only are there people from your distant past, but th...