"We Mirror One Another In Ways that Feel Good"
Have you ever noticed that, in a happy relationship, the partners mirror one another in ways that feel good? That are mutually validating? That give a quick and hearty sense of understanding and support? I like the metaphor of a relationship being like two mirrors . Each reflects back at the other an image that is consistent with the partner's positive self-image . It's pleasing to know that your partner sees you the way you like to see yourself. He or she appreciates who you are, and values you for the traits that you see as special and defining of yourself. It doesn't take a lot of explaining or enhancing (as it might in the world outside of your love life). At home you don't have to Photo Shop the image! When a relationship starts to turn negative these images can get fuzzy and non-distinct. The sense of understanding and appreciation gets blurred. When relationships continue to spiral negatively, we each try to fix...